What is FEMST?

FEMST is an Erasmus+ funded project that aims to provide in-depth information about the gender gap that is relevant with gender equality in the STEM field at its early stages, when teachers’ gender biases affect the performance of pupils.

FEMST will support teachers on inspiring STEM among the female students and address the needs of women studying in STEM in order to reduce the dropout rate long-term.

The goal of FEMST is to offer in-depth information and knowledge about the gender gap in the STEM fiel in Europe, especially in the countries of the consortium (Netherlands, Cyprus, Greece, Spain and Portugal) for their personal and/or professional development, ultimately for the benefit of the kids they are responsible for.

The FEMST project priority target groups are:

·  Career councillors in upper secondary education

·  School teachers/educators

·  Academic staff

·  University recruitment officers

·  Primary education female students

·  HE female students studying in STEM

FEMST Project Information

Project Title: Empowering girls with knowledge and confidence in STEM to become future STEM leaders – FEMST

Project Acronym: FEMST

Project Number: 2022-1-NL01-KA220-HED-000090191

Start Date: 01st November 2022

Finish Date: 31st October 2024

Intended objectives of the project:

·   Encourage gender-responsive training approaches for teachers and counsellors that focus on tackling gender biases in the classroom

·   Train primary school teachers for the implementation of the Curriculum and the application of the tools contain in their own teaching, regardless of subject

·   Disseminate the Animated Series of Stories and other activities/tools with children in the classroom through the teachers

·   Facilitate the dissemination and sustainability of project results involving key stakeholders and policy makers at national and EU level

·   Enable female students to develop their scientific capacities and inspire them to get involved in STEM-related activities overcoming gender prejudice in the field



FEMST is an Erasmus+ funded consortium is made up of six dedicated partner organisations from across Europe.

Eindhoven University of Technology

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) educates students and advances knowledge in science & technology for the benefit of humanity. 

Polytechnic Institute of Santarém

The Research Hub ‘Digital Literacy and Inclusion’, based at the Polytechnic Institute Santarém

Center for Social Innovation (CSI)

Center for Social Innovation (CSI) is a Research and Development organization


INDEPCIE (Institute for the Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, Coaching and Emotional Intelligence)


The Institute of Vocational Training AKMI is the largest VET provider in Greece and one of the 7 largest in Europe.


The Smile of the Child’ (TSoC) is the largest recognized non-profit organization in Greece in the critical field of child protection, search and rescue of missing children…


Online Toolkit 

FEMST Training Online Toolkit

This online platform will provide teachers/academic staff/STEM students a common online space, tools and resources to obtain knowledge and practical experience related to the issues regarding girls in STEM

This toolkit will be available in all 5 languages and will be open for registration in early 2024.

Contact the team for further information.

Training and Education

What can FEMST offer you ?

1.     Training Package for teachers and academic staff

Development of a training package of 6 modules:  


Keep up to date with all the information from the project here. 

Newsletter WP3

FEMST – Empowering girls with knowledge and confidence in STEM to become future STEM leaders – WP3 Newsletter “FEMST Virtual Learning Environment / Online Platform

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Newsletter WP2

FEMST – Empowering girls with knowledge and confidence in STEM to become future STEM leaders – WP2 Newsletter “Training Package Development and Validation” Newsletter WP2

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Meeting in Athens

2nd MEETING of the Erasmus + FEMST! We are very happy to tell you on the 21st and 22nd of September, the FEMST project partners

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FEMST: Empowering girls with knowledge and confidence in STEM to become future STEM leaders

This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

Eindhoven University of Technology

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) educates students and advances knowledge in science & technology for the benefit of humanity. We integrate education and research to enable our students and scientists to become thought leaders and to design and achieve the unimaginable. In close collaboration with our public and private partners, we translate our basic research into meaningful solutions.
Eindhoven School of Education (ESoE) is a department of the Faculty of Applied Physics and Science Education. ESoE is the TU/e expertise center in the field of professional development of teachers in the science and engineering domain. ESoE is active in the following three domains:
ESoE offers a master’s program in Science Education and Communication, which includes teacher education to pre-university education in mathematics, physics, chemistry, research and design or computer science. After graduating, students are allowed to teach in upper secondary education.
The ESoE offers both first and second degree teacher qualification programs. The first degree teacher qualification program allows you to teach in upper secondary education HAVO (general) and VWO (academic), while the second degree teacher qualification program allows you to teach HAVO and VWO as well as VMBO-T (vocational) classes in year one till three of secondary education. The ESoE provides teacher education at TU Eindhoven and its vision of the kind of teachers it educates is related to the vision of a university of technology.
In addition, the Eindhoven School of Education actively contributes to the education of the Departments at the TU/e by initiating and evaluating educational innovations.
ESoE aims to advance education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in response to new societal challenges. To contribute to this aim, we conduct scientific research on education and professional development of teachers and on the design and evaluation of educational innovations. In a recent update of our research program, the successful research strand on preparing and supporting teachers for innovative STEM learning and teaching in secondary education has been continued. This research has been extended with two new developments.
First, teachers in higher education have been included as a focus of our research. Innovations in higher STEM education like challenge-based learning raise many questions about the new expertise teachers need and how they can develop this expertise.
Second, questions about the optimal pedagogy of innovative STEM teaching and learning in secondary and higher education have been included. Answering these questions requires systematic design and evaluation research to provide evidence for successful practices. In these endeavors, research and development go hand in hand, aligned with ESoE’s mission to contribute to both scholarly advancements as well as to improvements of educational practice.
Innovation of engineering education is a priority for ESoE. The ESoE is currently renewing its curriculum. Furthermore, ESoE is hosting the 4TU.Center of Engineering Education (CEE) at Eindhoven. The CEE is empowering innovation of engineering education TU/e wide by funding projects, consulting and organizing events to inspire educators. The CEE has an active collaboration at the national level with the other three Dutch technical universities, and at the international level with all CDIO universities of technology.

Polytechnic Institute of Santarém

“The Research Hub ‘Digital Literacy and Inclusion’, based at the Polytechnic Institute Santarém, in Portugal (http://pololiteraciadigital.ipsantarem.pt/).
The expertise:
-To enhance knowledge ensuing from Scientific and Technological Research in Digital Literacy and Inclusion of disadvantaged people in the labour market.
-To strengthen excellence in digital literacy as an effective strategy for labour market inclusion.
-To test the effectiveness of innovative resources and methodologies through empirical scenarios as a means to promote the employability of this target group.
-To prototype a holistic inclusion support model.

The Polytechnic Institute of Santarém (IPSantarém) is a public Portuguese Higher Education
Institution with more than 35 years of experience in the fields of higher education and applied
research. IPSantarém integrates five Schools and a Research Unit, located in the cities of Santarém
and Rio Maior. IPSantarém delivers vocational, bachelor and master degree programmes, regarding
the specialization areas of the schools: 1) School of Agriculture (ESAS): Agriculture & Food Science; 2)
School of Education, (ESES): Education, Arts & Multimedia Communication; 3) School of Management
and Technology (ESGTS): Management & Technology; 4) School of Health (ESSS): Health & Nursing; 5)
School of Sport (ESDRM): Sports & Physical Activity.
During 2019, 51 research and technology transfer projects have been active in IPSantarém. Much of
our research is supported by research programs like Erasmus + and Portugal 2020. Some of these
projects are developed under the research centre hosted by IPSantarém, Life Quality Research Centre
(CIEQV) which act in many different scientific areas.
IPSantarém also develops a lifelong training programme and an international student and staff
exchange programme. It is connected to several research centres in the different fields of expertise,
and has a strong connection with the regional community.”

Center for Social Innovation

Center for Social Innovation (CSI) is a Research and Development organization, which focuses on fostering social innovation that can bring about a positive change to local, national, regional, and global entities. These entities include but are not limited to governments, local administrative agencies, non-for-profit agencies, commercial entities, and educational institutions.


INDEPCIE (Institute for the Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, Coaching and Emotional Intelligence) is a training company founded in 2018 focused in the attitudinal training and the improvement of human performance. The company works with clients with the aim of increasing their results both in personal or professional areas, developing techniques and strategies in the areas of coaching, Emotional Intelligence, soft skills and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).


The Institute of Vocational Training AKMI is the largest VET provider in Greece and one of the 7 largest in Europe. It was founded back in 1989 and today is active in 9 cities across Greece (Athens, Piraeus, Thessaloniki, Herakleion, Larissa, Rhodes, Chalkida, Elliniko, Alexandroupoli) representing almost 60% of the total VET sector in the country providing post-secondary education, of EQF levels 3-5. Every year, approximately 18.000 active students are enrolled with the aim of studying one of the 112 specialties, in more than 380 laboratories in 14 different sectors within more than 37.500 m2 of infrastructure across the country.  


‘The Smile of the Child’ (TSoC), is the largest recognized non-profit organization in Greece in the critical field of child protection, search and rescue of missing children, support of children and families with children in need, as well as free public health service for children, both in prevention and treatment. TSoC was founded in 1996 by Costas Yannopoulos, inspired by the wish of well-being for all children in the world, expressed by his 10-year old son before he succumbed to brain cancer.
Empowered by 450 employees, a network of 4.000 active registered volunteers and more than 15.000 sponsors, “The Smile of the Child” provides solutions to the daily vital needs of thousands of children navigating through difficult times with its values for Care, Dignity, Equality as its compass. The internationally recognized Organization implements nationwide, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, non-stop direct and effective actions to prevent from and fight against phenomena threatening children, providing free services to every child & family in Greece, engaging in four critical fields, Violence, Health, Disappearance, Poverty;
saving children from abuse,
finding children going missing,
providing free healthcare access,
assisting children facing food insecurity,
supporting families in need,
setting the entire spectrum of its services and infrastructure at the disposal of public actors and agencies,
promoting children’s rights through engagement with international organizations

Through targeted initiatives and institutional partnerships with national & international bodies, the Organization applies good practices, striving towards creating child friendly services.
Its mission is to provide services to all children in Greece, regardless of ethnicity and/or religion, nationwide, 365 days 24/7.
TSoC operates the National Helpline for Children SOS 1056 & Chat 1056, the European Hotline for Missing Children 116000 and the European Helpline for Children and Adolescents 116111 and through the operalization of these Helplines over 27 years of action TSoC has handled 4.690.805 calls in Greece.

TSoC performs actions of intervention for children victims of any form of violence, for missing children, children with health problems, children living in or threatened by poverty.
“The Smile of the Child” aims at the holistic support of the educational community (students, teachers, other school staff and parents), through education and training activities that making use of the latest technologies, addressed on issues that directly concern children’s rights regarding their daily life and their future, such as: the beneficial use of technology, development of digital skills, protection against school bullying and cyber bullying, domestic violence, abuse, neglect, gender stereotypes, sexual violence, harassment, and school dropout.